O ator Steven Seagal está sendo investigado pela polícia, após ter sido acusado de estupro pela atriz, Regina Simons, com a qual trabalhou em 1994 no filme ‘Em Terreno Selvagem’.

O caso teria acontecido 1994, quando Seagal a convidou para uma festa em sua casa , quando a vítima tinha 18 anos.

Ela relatou que quando chegou ao local, o ator à levou para o quarto dele e fechou a porta. “Começou a beijar-me, depois tirou-me a roupa, e, sem eu saber, pôs seu pênis dentro da minha vagina e me estuprou. Eu ainda era virgem”, contou.

Mas esta não é a primeira acusação contra Seagal. Em novembro do ano passado uma outra mulher, Faviola Dadis, deu a conhecer o seu caso de assédio nas redes sociais.

In light of the allegations by #PortiadeRossi, I want to speak up about something I should have years ago. When I was 20 I was auditioning for a movie with #StevenSeagal and was sexually assaulted by him. During all our initial interactions, there was a production assistant or casting director present along with Steven. We established a relationship via text, and bonded about similar interests like Buddhism. After 2 callbacks (during the day and always with others present), I was invited for a private audition at the W Hotel late in the evening. Steven said the audition was to see my figure. I was told to wear a bikini under my clothes, and that the PA and casting director would also be there. As this is quite standard in the modeling industry, I agreed to the audition. I was escorted to the room by Steven’s personal assistant. I assumed the PA and casting director were already in the room, but when I arrived no one was there but Steven and his security who stood blocking the door. I noted this was a bit strange, but he apologized and explained they had other obligations. Steven asked if I would take off my clothes and walk for him in my bikini. After doing so (he was on the couch and I was at a far enough distance to do a catwalk for him), he approached me and said he wanted to act out a romantic scene. I was hesitant and expressed this, then he started fondling my breasts and grabbing my crotch. I quickly yelled “This audition is over!”, and tried to run out of the room but was blocked by his security. I started making a noticeable amount of noise, and his security realized I would alert someone,and let me leave. I never reported this to anyone out of fear that someone like Steven, with such a huge amount of power, influence, and money would easily win a legal battle; and furthermore that I would damage my career. However, as others are now speaking out against Steven, I would like to do the same. This was unfortunately not the last time I experienced this type of behavior from men, and it is completely unacceptable.

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