A smoke in the National Congress, in Brasilia, scared who passed by the Monumental Axis, in the morning of this Friday, 06/14. With the general strike taking place across the country, the smoke scared many people.


On social networks, conversations, photos and videos with smoke, pointing to a possible fire, began to circulate. However, according to the Fire Department, the episode is just firefighting training given by the corporation on the premises of the public agency.


A couple of tourists from Recife, Cris Gomes, 39 years old, and Eduardo Benozatti, 37 years old, who were visiting the region saw when the smoke started. “We directed the cell phone to photograph the Congress and noticed smoke coming from the top floor of the building. Soon, we heard the sirens of the Fire Department and a warning for everyone to evacuate the building. It did not seem natural. From the first record, the smoke it increased a lot. We got scared”, he explained.

The Department of Legislative Police of the Chamber of Deputies, in partnership with the Fire Department of the Federal District, informed in a note that “carry out an exercise to face emergency situations, with a fire simulation in Annex 1 of the House”.

The information is from Metrópoles

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