Manaus|AM – The police arrested Mikaella Samara Bastos, known as Mikão Dolzane, 25 years old, on Saturday night, 03/30. She is accused of having stabbed student Thamylis dos Santos Campelo, 19, to death. The crime took place at the victim’s house, on Rua Vicente Lauria, in the Aleixo neighborhood, in the central south zone of the capital.  

According to information, the two dated for three years, but Mikão could not accept the end of the relationship. The victim would have been involved with another woman recently and this situation would have angered Mikão, who went to get drunken satisfaction with Thamylis who didn’t want to listen, that’s when he was stabbed in the heart and died instantly.

After committing the crime, the repentant woman went out through the streets of the neighborhood to ask for help. Neighbors called the police and Mikaella ended up being arrested red-handed and will respond for murder.

Neighbors still tried to help the young woman and called the Emergency Medical Service (SAMU), but she was already dead.

The body was sent to the Legal Medical Institute (IML). The case must be investigated by the Police Station Specialized in Homicide and Kidnapping (DEHS).

Thamylis had a tattoo on her arm with her girlfriend’s name.

Mikaella demonstrated on social media to be very passionate about her girlfriend.
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